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2 min read

Facials are a go-to-solution for the top beauty professionals, including models, makeup artists, hair stylists, Hollywood stars and anyone who is in a role where all eyes are on them.

We’ve shared before why you should get a facial, but today we’re discussing how sometimes it’s really just time to get one.  You really KNOW you need a facial.

When you’re at-home skin care products just aren’t doing it.

If you start seeing oily spots pop up, or you find your skin is extra dry, sometimes it’s best to ask a professional.

Estheticians know what to look for and can help you get to the root of the problem and fix it fast. A professional opinion is always worth it, and it’s one of the many benefits of a facial.

When you need to put your best face forward.

Is a new job, big promotion or change in status demanding a new selfie or profile pic?  A facial is a great opportunity to get your skin set for any occasion. 

Sometimes you’re just going to be in the spotlight, so there’s no better way to get skin up to par than with a facial. 

When you’re getting fit.

If you are really getting on the wellness bandwagon, don’t forget your body’s biggest organ, your skin! Did you know facials are workouts for your skin? It’s true! There are multiple benefits of massage.

In fact, the massage portion of a facial is great for stimulating your skin, and can help bring an increased blood flow1 to your face.

Plus, you will have a professional giving your skin an up-close inspection, letting you know if there’s anything you should get checked out by a doctor.

When it’s time to tackle your biggest skin concern.

We know everyone likes to be their own skin care professional sometimes and tackle little snafus here and there (we see you pimple poppers!), but you should never take on the big stuff by yourself.

If you have some serious sloughing to do or a plethora of pimples, leave it to the pros!

Estheticians are licensed and go through extensive ongoing education to be at the peak of their profession, and that’s exactly who you want taking care of your skin.

When you just can’t even.

De-stress with a facial on those days when you just can’t even, because estheticians so can!

Nothing beats dedicating an entire day to being pampered, sitting in the lap of luxury, and indulging yourself. We mean, why should you even lift a finger?

Sip a glass of champagne at your nearest spa while the world melts away. A facial massage can be a great way to help lighten your mood and feel refreshed2.

Taking care of your skin is essential for overall beauty and wellness anyway, so take the step of booking a facial today and Sea the Difference!

Read More:

1  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140416125434.htm
2   https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biomedres/29/6/29_6_317/_article

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