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2 min read 1 Comment

Even if you have oily skin, your skin can experience dryness throughout the winter months.

During the winter, humidity levels drop, and the air outside becomes dry and cold. This causes the water in your skin to evaporate more quickly, causing dryness and flakiness.

While these forces of nature can’t be stopped, there are actions you can take to help prevent this all from affecting your skin.

Read below for our 10 essential skin care tips for winter skin.

1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

Morning and night, after cleansing, toning, and applying your serum, layer on your moisturizer. Although you should be using a moisturizer year round, it is especially important to not skip this step during the winter months. A moisturizer is necessary to help add moisture into your skin and keep water from evaporating from your skin.

2.  Choose fragrance-free products.

Although fragrances can make some products smell delicious, they can be irritating if your skin is sensitive.

3. Lower the heat.

High heat not only leads to drier skin, but drier lips, nose and throat. While driving, showering, or spending time in doors, keep the heat at a low setting you are comfortable with and layer on your clothing for warmth. Consider investing in a humidifier which will help replace moisture that is lost in the air.

4. Pay special attention to your hands. 

Between washing your hands, blasting the heat, and being outside, you may notice your hands are one of the most affected areas during the winter. Always wear gloves when you’re outside and keep a fragrance-free hand cream with you so you can re-apply throughout the day

5. Wear protective clothing.

This includes heavy jackets, a hat, scarf, and gloves. This will help shield your skin from the elements, including wind, which can contribute to dryness.

6. Don’t over-exfoliate.

Don’t skip out on exfoliating altogether during the winter months because you still want to remove dead skin cell build up that can make your skin look flaky. Ask your skin care professional how often you should be exfoliating, or cut back to once a week.

7. Use moisturizing treatments.

This includes at the spa and at-home. Consider face masks that help moisturize the skin, like a hydrating seaweed mask, or a chocolate face mask to help make the skin feel soft and smooth.

8. Eat smarter and don’t hibernate. 

Although the winter time means sweatshirts and clothing to cover everything up, don’t let that affect your eating or exercise habits. Nutrition, exercise and your skin care routine are all important for maintaining healthy skin.

9. Wear sunscreen.

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is or how cold it is outside. Especially if you like to hit the slopes this time of year, protecting your skin is a must.

10. See a licensed esthetician.

If the winter always seems to be a rough time for you and your skin, consider visiting a skin care professional. A licensed esthetician can analyze your skin and guide you with the right skincare choices for the winter.

What other winter skin care tips do you have? Share with us all below!

1 Response


December 18, 2016

my skin is normal combination skin ,do i keep use serum and moisturize acid hudralonic , is that good , but i dont why my cheek no smooth it show has like white pimple , do i wash my face with gel 2 times a day? one or two exfolia a week
tyhankyou so much

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