Skin Care Tips for Before and After Working Out

Staying on track with your New Year’s resolution of working out more? Don’t forget to take care of your skin pre and post workout!

Wash your face.

By now we hope you know how important it is to wash your face both morning and night, but if you’re working out, post-workout is a must too!

The gym is a place that’s loaded with bacteria, and from going mat to mat, touching machines, and wiping off sweat on your face, chances are some bacteria will get transmitted to your face.

Keep a travel skin care kit with you at all times and wash your face as soon as your work out is over!

Get your external hydration on.

Chug your water bottle post-workout to hydrate within, but don’t forget about hydrating your skin - This is especially important during the winter, as this time of year makes your skin even more dry and dehydrated.

Combine that with sweat that is naturally lost during a workout and your skin’s going to feel parched.

After washing, spritz your skin with a facial spray to help restore the appearance of moisture loss.  

Control oiliness to prevent pop-up problem areas.

Does your skin get oily after a workout?

Apply a face serum for oily skin to help reduce the appearance of oil pre and post-workout.

Not only will this help your skin look less greasy, but it will help control excess oil which can contribute to problem skin.

Cool down your skin.

A red face is a sign that you went all-in at the gym, but it’s not the best look.

If you’re one who gets beat red after a workout, to cool and calm your skin splash your face with cool water while you’re washing it post-work out.

You can also use a Red-Out Serum to help reduce the appearance of skin redness. 

Have any other skin care or beauty tips for before and after working out? Leave them in the comments below!