Beauty Tips for the Thanksgiving Hostess

If you’re the hostess this year, Thanksgiving can be stressful!  To help stress less, and look your best, we have some tips for you.

Shower first thing in the morning

Before doing anything (except maybe drinking your first cup of coffee) hop in the shower first thing.

Your day is about to be a busy one filled with cooking & socializing, so use shower time as a time to relax, have some time to yourself, and get yourself feeling refreshed and ready-to-go!


Of course, you’ll want to greet your guests with beautiful skin, right?! How can you have your skin looking beautifully refreshed without taking away time from preparing for the day?  We call it “multi-masking.”

Apply a face mask and leave on for 10-15 minutes while you’re preparing the stuffing and corn.

Remove the mask afterwards, and have glowing skin to greet your guests with.

Do your hair and makeup before guests show up

If guests plan on showing up at 3’o clock, don’t wait until 2:30 to do your hair and makeup.

You may have a planned schedule of what you’re going to do to prepare before family shows up, but how often is it that things go according to plan?

The last thing you want to do is have people start arriving earlier than expected, when you haven’t even put yourself together yet!

Avoid this by getting to it after you’ve “multi-masked.”

Have the bath ready to go

Another way to feel less stressed? Knowing a luxurious bath is ready for you when everyone is out the door.

Have a towel, candle, champagne glass, relaxing music, and a Seaweed Bath waiting by the side of your bath, and ready to be put to good use.

Having something relaxing to look forward to will put you at ease-throughout the day (and will help you digest that Turkey!)

How will you stay stress-free & looking your best this Thanksgiving? Tell us in the comments below!