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How to Take a Bath

How to Take a Bath

2 min read

There is nothing like unwinding after a long day, letting the water run, and relaxing in your tub. To make sure you are getting the most out of your bathing experience, we wanted to share with you our way to
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Stretch Mark Tips for Pregnant Women

Stretch Mark Tips for Pregnant Women

1 min read

Hello everyone! Today I want to share some tips for those who are expecting! If you’re a mom to be, your skin is undergoing changes. As your skin is expanding, and if you have poor elasticity, this can lead to
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How to Spice Up Your Body Care

How to Spice Up Your Body Care

1 min read

It’s the fall season which means wonderful aromas, the leaves are falling, pumpkin spice lattes are back, and wearing your favorite sweaters! With the cooler temperatures the humidity drops – we love it, but our skin doesn’t!
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What is Aromatherapy?

What is Aromatherapy?

2 min read

Our ability to see, touch, taste, hear, and smell effect our everyday being and how we interpret things. Smelling a freshly baked apple pie coming out of the oven can trigger happiness, warmth (and hunger!)...
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Skin Through the Ages Series – 60’s & Up!

Skin Through the Ages Series – 60’s & Up!

2 min read

pics on Sodahead   If you have been taking  care of your skin throughout your life and doing preventative care, you’re probably in good shape – but if you haven’t, your 60’s & up can be a time that signs
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From Summer to Fall – 3 Tips for Your Skin!

From Summer to Fall – 3 Tips for Your Skin!

2 min read

As the seasons begin to change, so do concerns for our skin! With this in mind, we wanted to provide 3 tips to get your skin ready for fall.
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Why to Go Soap Free in the Shower!

Why to Go Soap Free in the Shower!

1 min read

Hi everyone! When it comes to cleansers on your body – soap free is always the way to be! Especially as the season starts to change, your skin is going to become dry more easily.
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3 Fruits for Flawless Skin

3 Fruits for Flawless Skin

1 min read

Some of these fruits may make the list of your favorites to eat, but we’ve got another reason why these fruits are so sweet – for your skin!
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How to Care for Your Décolleté – Post Sun!

How to Care for Your Décolleté – Post Sun!

1 min read

Hi everyone! Many of you have probably finally gotten into the habit of wearing a hat & SPF to cover up at the beach – which is great!
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