Does Oily Skin Need to be Moisturized?

Those with oily skin fight the constant battle of reducing the appearance of shine and oil.

For this skin type, many shudder at the thought of putting a moisturizer on their face for fear of increasing oil and the slick look they are trying to diminish.

Is this way of thinking correct – should you avoid moisturizing if you have oily skin? 

What causes oily skin?

Oily skin is characterized by having an excess of oil or sebum. 

The purpose of sebum (oil) is to support skin’s acid mantle and to help create a barrier to prevent moisture loss from the skin. 

Do you need to moisturize if you have oily skin?

It's important to understand that sebum (oil) doesn’t provide moisture to the cells – it just helps lock it in. 

If you do not moisturize, your skin can overproduce oil as a way of compensating, leaving you looking more oily than usual. 

Too much sebum (oil) can also cause dead skin cells and debris to become blocked in the pores, which can lead to breakouts. 

Can oily skin be dehydrated?

If you have an oily skin type you are likely using cleansers and toners that can help reduce the appearance of sebum (oil) on your skin, making it dryer. At the same time, moisture can also be taken away, leaving you with dehydrated skin.

When your skin is dehydrated it will feel dry, and can also result in the appearance of more fine lines and flakiness. 

What ingredients should oily skin avoid?

If you have an oily skin type you are likely using products with alkaline surfactants that are drying out your skin, such as sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate.

These drying products can alter the acid mantle that protects your skin as well, making it more susceptible to dirt and bacteria.

How to care for oily skin?

The key to achieving a proper moisture balance is understanding the ingredients and products you are using.

To stop the over drying of your skin all together, you want skincare for oily skin with hydrophyllic ingredients – ingredients that have an affinity to draw in water, rather than repel it. Seaweed is a hydrophilic ingredient that is also a source of polysaccharides, phlorotannins, vitamins, and minerals.

A hydrating serum and moisturizer for oily problem skin made with Zinc Oxide and Porprhyridium Micro-alga, ingredients can help find the right balance of adding moisture while reducing the appearance of oil.

Astringents and clay masks can also be used to help control oil.

So, remember to keep your skin hydrated and always include moisturizer in your daily skin care routine, even if you have oily skin!

Do you use an oil-free moisturizer that helps keep your skin gorgeous? Tell us about it in the comments below!